The Best Airports in the World
I like airports. I might also be one of the few who does. Understandably, I can think of many reasons as to why many people are not fond of them. So it was rather refreshing to stumble on this list of best airports in the world written by a pilot no less. This list and his descriptions have reassured my fondness for what I like to think are the gateways of other cities and counties.
written on February 23rd, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
Festival Hop Around the Philippines
How was your Sinulog festival to start the year? Can’t wait to do it all over again? You should try checking out the many other Philippine festivals. After all, the Philippines is home to colourful festivals happening all year round in different parts of the country. It is part of our culture and heritage.
written on February 15th, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
8 Ways to Travel Like a Local
To me the idea of travelling like a local is more of experiencing the life and culture of a certain place. You learn something in a more up close and personal manner. But that’s not to say you don’t get to do the same should you choose to travel otherwise.
written on February 10th, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
Celebrating 15 Years and Counting
When we started Destination Specialists, we didn’t know how far we could take it. Fifteen years later, I’m proud to say we continue to approach every day with gusto and enthusiasm. The company has garnered numerous achievements despite the changing landscape of the travel industry.
written on February 4th, 2016 by Marget Villarica
5 Annoying Rites of Passage for Any Traveler
Traveling itself is a rite of passage, ceremonious and life-enhancing for some. But I will not dwell on that for this article. No, I’d rather talk about the quirky, funny and downright annoying moments that make you say, “I’ve made it!” as a traveler.
written on January 28th, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
Have Pets, Will Travel
How many of you include the welfare of your pets when planning a trip? It can be quite a dilemma! If you have enough people left at home to care for your pets while you’re away then consider yourself very lucky. Most people might not think much of it, but when the pet is part of the family, leaving them behind can be a tough decision. Yes, even if it’s just for a few days.
So what to do?
written on January 18th, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
How to Cope with Delays
The holidays may be over but Cebu is still filled with festivities and a good reason to celebrate. Sinulog is just around the corner. And just as equally hectic as Christmas, Sinulog also brings the rush from people flocking to terminals – all wanting to be part of this world renowned festival. A friend once said, “Everyone’s in Cebu during Sinulog.”
Sinulog is just one of the many reasons for delays. It’s safe to say that there’s always some sort of delay when it comes to travel. Here are a few ways to cope:
written on January 11th, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
Do You Have Any Rituals Before Traveling?
As I was browsing a few travel sites, I stumbled upon this Lonely Planet article where they asked their readers about the things they do right before traveling. If you look at the chart below, it looks like travel rituals. The answers were fun and I could even relate to some.
written on January 4th, 2016 by Rafia Abubakar
Merry Christmas!
But we’re not above having a little fun ourselves. Every year Destination Specialists hosts a Christmas party for the very hard working staff. It’s a chance for all thirty of us to let loose, have fun and celebrate the year that was.
written on December 16th, 2015 by Carlo Villarica
The Truth Behind These “Travel Myths”
You will hear all sorts of opinions, advice and misconceptions about travel. Some are practical, some dubious and others you’ve probably already known, tried and tested. When traveling away from home, this is natural. You do your best to be aware of so many things just in case.
But how much of these things are actually true? In this article, we look at the most common travel myths.
written on December 11th, 2015 by Rafia Abubakar