Do You Have Any Rituals Before Traveling?

written on January 4th, 2016 by


travel bag photoAs I was browsing a few travel sites, I stumbled upon this Lonely Planet article where they asked their readers about the things they do right before traveling. If you look at the chart below, it looks like travel rituals. The answers were fun and I could even relate to some.

Below is a pie-chart of the answers they compiled:


Graph from Your travel rituals: Lonely Planet’s readers tell all.


Many of the answers look all too familiar. I have done some of them at some point:

  • Say some sort of prayer. – Check. The prayers of a traveler resonates louder according to my folks.
  • Learn a few phrases of the local language. – The basics, and it’s good to know how to ask for the bathroom.
  • Study maps. – I’m sucker for navigating maps. I’m no expert, but I like perusing them like a treasure map.
  • Double check you’ve got important documents. – I’m OC, nuff said.
  • Make sure the electronics are charged. – Another OC thing. You never know when you need to use them all.

A ritual I would add that I do pre-travel is I have to clean my room. Dust surfaces, sweep the floor, arrange things and keep away what needs to be kept. My reason because I want to come home to a clean place. OC, like I said.

What travel rituals do you have?