Realizations From Traveling Alone

written on September 19th, 2013 by


If you like organizing trips with friends, I’m sure you’ve tried this situation before. You contact everyone and list down who wants to go. A few days before the trip, everyone cancels. Sometimes, life gets in the way of a fun trip with friends. My solution? I push through with the plan and travel alone if I have to.

I once took a trip to southern Cebu by myself. It was in Tingko Beach, Alcoy, where I camped overnight on the white sandy public beach. The next day I went to Boljoon for the heritage exploration.

Traveling alone made me realize a few things.

Self-Discovery: For many of us, traveling alone means stepping out of our comfort zone. This forces us to go beyond our limitations and allows us to discover more about ourselves. We discover more about our personality, strengths and weaknesses. It also forces us to do things that we thought we couldn’t. At the end of the day, you’ll be surprised with what you are capable of.

Absolute Freedom: The best part of traveling solo is there are no rules or fixed plans. You can do whatever you want. Go anywhere you desire. You don’t need to rely on anybody, but yourself. No compromises. No conflicts of interest. There’s only one person that has to be happy with the trip. That’s you.

Meet New Friends: Traveling solo doesn’t mean being alone. You would be surprised. When you are by yourself, it’s like a magnet for people. You become more approachable.

Just be careful. People in general tend to good, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take precautions. Be wary about giving personal information and telling strangers your plans. On the other hand, they could turn out to become good friends in the future. You never know. When in doubt, be careful.

Of course, traveling alone is not for everyone.

Dull Moments: This is the part I hate the most. You seldom talk. Seldom laugh. No one to hang with, to play with, to eat with. This is when I realized that “no man is an island.” The worst part is that it is difficult to take a photo of yourself from afar with a beautiful background. Get ready for a flood of selfies.

Can Be More Expensive: There’s no one to share expenses with. There are even times when the rates are for two. In these cases, you end up paying for the whole amount. That can be damaging to your budget.

Risky: Travel always has a bit of risk involved. This happens even if traveling in a big group. But it’s even more risky when you’re alone and cannot seek help immediately. To void such risk always take precautionary actions. Do research. Check online if the place you plan to travel has any sort of ongoing disputes. Always secure a first aid kit and pocket/swiss knife. Have you seen the movie called 127 Hours? Remember, always tell your family where you are going.

Have you gone on a solo trip before? Share your experience in the comment box below.