30 Thrifty Travel Tips

written on October 27th, 2013 by


The dream is to experience travel without minding the budget. You get to taste the best food in town, experience the most comfortable room in a 5 star hotel and commute with the most comfort possible.

But for most of us, travelling is spending. And in many cases, spending a LOT. What if you don’t have much money to spend for your trip? Allows us to help you out a little bit.

Here are some thrifty tips to save money while pursuing your plan to travel.

1.      Travel during low season: Do the research and find out when the low season for traveling to your preferred locations is. This could mean cheaper rates and less people. On the other hand, it could also mean bad weather. Again, do the research.

2.      Take the first or last flight: You may find it a hassle to wake up early or to take a midnight flight, but if you really want to save, these flights are recommended. Uncomfortable schedules mean more affordable rates.

3.      Promo fares: Promo fares are unpredictable. The airlines don’t seem to have a schedule for these. Sometimes you hear about it on the last day to purchase the ticket. You want to be the first to know? Like/follow/subscribe to the airlines. That’s usually how they let people know about the promos.

4.      Shop smart: Shopping!!! This should not be absent in any itinerary, but think twice before buying. Many destinations have a tiangge or flea market. You can do the window shopping in the mall, but when it comes down to paying, try checking out the less trodden path.

5.      Hostel instead of hotel: Hostels are generally cheaper than hotels. Usually, they aren’t as nice as hotels. So it is still up to you. However, if you can rough it a little bit, then go for a hostel instead of hotel.

6.      Overload your lunch:  Food/buffet rates are expensive during dinner. It is wise to eat more for lunch than dinner. A filling lunch will tide your over for dinner. It will also keep you in good shape when you refrain from eating too much at night.

7.      Walk around: Take time to walk around. This will not only give you a chance to save money, but you’ll get an opportunity to see what the regular visitor doesn’t normally see.

8.      Be sweet yet persuasive: Use your charm to please and persuade the vendor. This will pay off in discounts. This might sound easy (especially if you are really charming), but know when to back off. Or else you will end up busted! It’s so embarrassing!

9.      Take advantage of your ID: Some establishments honour student and senior citizens for discounts. A 5-10% discount is good enough to save. Right?

10.  Ditch roaming: Don’t use roaming on your sim. You might come home with a huge bill. It’s cheaper to buy a local sim and use the internet to contact people at home. There are many apps you can use like Line, We Chat, Viber, Chikka and Kakao Talk to name a few.

11.  Take a travel partner: Take someone who can share the expenses with you. The more the merrier, the cheaper. Trust me! Hotel rooms and some local transportation becomes more affordable.

12.  Group guide hitching: It is always best to get a guide. You can ask questions. They can translate the language. They can even show you things that aren’t in the guidebooks. But it will cost if you hire one. To get a glimpse of what the guide can offer, I like to linger near a group with a guide. I get to hear what they are explaining even if it’s only for a while.

13.  No to hotel breakfasts: Many hotels give a discount if you don’t avail of the free breakfast. In many cases, you are better off eating breakfast out of the hotel because most hotels, especially the budget ones, offer it only as a come on. Most times, the breakfast isn’t even good. Get out of the hotel and explore. You’ll be better off.

14.  Street food: Restaurants can be expensive. This is true especially if you take into account taxes and service fees. Most destinations have great eateries on the street. Here’s a hint: the best street food has the most locals flocking towards them.

15.  Prepare your own guidebook: Before going anywhere, if you are not familiar with the place, secure printed guides or save it in your phone to avoid spending on some. This will save not only money, but time as well.

16.  No to taxis: Most tourists prefer taking taxis to avoid getting lost. With a little research you can take public transportation like jeepneys, buses and trains. It won’t cost you too much and you will have fun observing the locals.

17.   Follow rules: Follow obvious and simple rules to avoid paying for penalties. Some public officers won’t let you go without paying your fees. This is more than just saving money, but also avoiding bad travel experience.

18.  Bring some cash: Many of us like to depend on credit cards when paying, but most of the budget items like street food and flea markets only accept cash. Don’t depend too much on your credit card.

19.  Wise exchange: When in need for currency exchange, don’t just stick to one money changer. Take the time to search and look at the different exchange rates. Choose the agency that can convert your money to with a better rate. The difference might seems small at first, but it adds up quickly.

20.   Ask for the price: Avoid the attitude of pick and pay. First time travellers sometmes underestimate things that look simple and cheap. You might be surprised when the bill comes in.

21.  Seek for best deals: If you are lucky, you can find a travel deal. It’s just a matter of perseverance. You can save because most of the time, the packages already include travel fares, accommodation and even the activities in the itinerary.

22.  Plan and book everything yourself: If you can arrange your own travel plans, then go ahead. It will take a lot of time and perseverance, but if you have the patience, go for it. Just make sure to cover your bases and double check, travel mistakes can be expensive.

23.  Be friendly: Be friendly with the locals. They will lend a fast and free-of-charge service when you need help. If you are lucky, you might be able to get a free ride or even a free dinner.

24.  Use secret pockets: Not losing money is saving money. Prevention is the best defence. Do not rely too much on your wallet. Try to look for secret storage areas for your money. Some clothes have tiny pockets. Others even place money inside their shoes. It’s always good to have an emergency fund in case your wallet gets lost.

25.  Be aware of hotel restrictions: Being vigilant about hotel restrictions like booking cancellations and no shows, allow you to avoid surprise charges that will ruin your budget.

26.  Take advantage of department stores: If you have the time, buy snacks or beverages in a grocery. It is cheaper than buying those inside a hotel or airport.

27.  Pack light: Don’t bring too much luggage. This will allows you to avoid paying for excess baggage. Packing less also allows you to focus on the sheer essentials of travel.

28.  Ask for service water: Rather than paying for bottled water, ask for service water instead. No charge at all.

29.  Go camping: If you don’t mind the outdoors, there are parks that allow setting up tents. You can even try going to a public beach. That’s a lot of money saved from the accommodations.

30.  Take overnight trips: Have you ever tried waking up in a different country from when you went to sleep? Take overnight trips and sleep through the travel. This is perfect for train, bus or airplane rides.

What other tips do you have? Share in the comments!