Simple Tips to Avoid Jetlag

written on June 19th, 2013 by


Airline innovation is making the world smaller and smaller. Can you imagine back in the old days when the transit used to take weeks? Today, travel is made fast and easy. But people who travel to the other side of the world experience a problem called jetlag. Jetlag disrupts your biological clock (your normal day and night routine) due to the different time zones.

When you feel sleepy during daytime and awake at night time, you are experiencing jetlag. Symptoms also include loss of appetite or dizziness. These are very common when traveling to different time zones. Here are a few simple tips to avoid it:

Before the flight

  • Adjust your daily routine based on your destination’s time. This will help to gradually shift your body clock to a different routine. Small things go a long way. For example – Instead of taking lunch at 12noon, have it 2 hours early or late.
  • Opt for overnight flights. This will allow you to adjust your body clock in the plane. Sleep if you have to or stay awake if you don’t. Overnight flights are much easier to adapt to rather than afternoon flights.
  • Have a good night sleep. A good sleep recharges your body, improves mental alertness and reduces stress that results to lesser chances for jetlag.

During the flight

  • Adjust your time based on the time of your destination. This is the best way to mentally prepare yourself. The time will serve as a guide to act as if you are already in the destination. Don’t forget to close the windows if light is out and sleep at “night.”
  • Keep yourself hydrated. Drink water regularly. Avoid drinking alcoholic and caffeine contained beverages for these might cause dehydration (one of the symptoms of jetlag).

After the flight

  • Go out and enjoy. Get yourself moving. Get used to the new conditions and the weather. Keep your body busy. Don’t just stay home. Have fun under the sun. At the same time, don’t force yourself into exhaustion.
  • Eat light foods. Don’t rush changes. Slowly adapt the new digestive routine.
  • Exercise. This always helps. It’s also one of the best ways to avoid sicknesses caused by jetlag.