
It’s Easy to Forget the Philippines

From the perspective of someone who has lived in the Philippines all his life, it’s easy to forget the beauty in this country. This video is a reminder of what traveling around the 7,107 islands is all about. How many places can boast a true beach paradise? How many places has untouched aquatic nature? How many places can you find a smiling face in every corner? How many places can riding on a carabao be just as natural as surfing on a wave?

written on May 2nd, 2016 by

Fears of a First Time Traveler

Traveling is always a life-changing experience. But it can be teeny bit scary to pack our bags, go out the door and just do it.
What’s keeping you from fulfilling your wanderlust?
Here are five fears of a first time traveller and tips on how you can get over them:

written on April 26th, 2016 by

Mind your Language: Words and Phrases To Learn When Travelling to a Foreign Country

While there is beauty in mystery and puzzles, getting lost in translation is not always how you want your adventure to begin. Language barriers can be crippling. Travelling to new places with people speaking a whole different language from your own can be daunting. But skipping a country just because their language seems alien to you is no fun either.

While no one expects you to be fluent, knowing the basics can do wonders for your trip. It will be more fulfilling, so give it a try.

written on April 19th, 2016 by

5 Reasons Why We Love Japan

A mainstay in anyone’s bucketlist, everyone ought to visit Japan at least once.
Here are 5 reasons why we adore the Land of The Rising Sun:

written on April 12th, 2016 by

A Different Look In Japan

We’re big fans of Japan. There’s no where in the world quite like it. After I watched this video, I couldn’t help but share it on the blog. We’re used to seeing the side of Japan that is serene and quiet. Here’s a look at another side.

written on April 8th, 2016 by

Know Your Rights as A Passenger

Finding good deals and packages for a nice trip is fairly easy at this time. You can bet that you won’t be the only one going on a holiday during summer. This is the one of the peak seasons after all. Planning ahead and being prepared are your best arsenal, but with the sheer number of passengers going on holiday, sometimes things don’t go smoothly.

written on March 28th, 2016 by

The Merits of a Staycation

Every adventurous traveler has had their version of this. Whether it be booking a quick ticket to another country or taking an uncomfortable trike two hours to that deserted beach. It’s fun to go out there and travel.
But you don’t need to go far, spend a ton or even sleep outside your house to enjoy the many merits of a vacation.

written on March 24th, 2016 by

CATO Goes to Be Grand Resort

A few days ago, Cebu Association of Tour Operators (CATO) visited Be Grand Resort in Bohol. “Lovely resort. Thanks to…

written on March 14th, 2016 by

A Look at the Camino de Santiago [VIDEO]

The first time I heard of the Camino de Santiago was during an art exhibit by Fr. Manuel Leandro C. Domingo. The pictures depicted a journey of enlightenment and discovery.

written on March 8th, 2016 by

5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Ilocos

Thinking of your next big trip? Northern Philippines has special things to offer, particularly grand old Ilocos.

Here are 5 reasons why Ilocos should be on your travel bucket list:

written on March 1st, 2016 by