How to Avoid Baggage Problems During Check-in

written on May 24th, 2013 by

"Ode to a Flight Attendant"

Vacation trips are exciting! We pack our bags, get our tickets and we’re good to go. You know what can be a downer? Getting stuck in the airport because of a baggage problem. We’ve all been there. In order to avoid problems, we must be aware of the terms and conditions of the airline baggage allowances beforehand. Here are a few tips:

  • Most of the time, when you purchase your plane tickets, it already has a set Free Baggage Allowance (FBA). It differs with different airlines. So make sure to check how much FBA you are entitled to. If you think you’ll go over the limit, it would be a good idea to inquire in advance for the excess baggage charge or even if they will allow you to have excess baggage.
  • Be mindful when bringing liquids to the flight. Personal care products like face lotion, shampoo, soap, gel, sunblock etc. are allowed, but you can only carry a maximum of 100 ml of each liquid. It would also be a good idea to store them in a zip lock plastic container to avoid spillage.
  •  Make sure you know the weather in your destination. If it’s the summer season, choose light and thin clothes. If you have to bring a thick jacket, you might want to consider wearing it on the flight. Do not include it in your check-in baggage because it will take up too much space and will add weight.
  • The FBA is not limited to the items inside your bag. Make sure to weigh your items with the bag. It would be a good idea to make sure your bags are not heavy to begin with. Choose your bags wisely. You wouldn’t want to reach the limit just because you have a heavier bag.
  • Done packing? Don’t forget to secure your luggage. You can use a mini padlock or a cable tie. Another good idea is to attach a baggage tag to your bag. This will make it easier for you to identify it in the conveyor belt. This will also help avoid mishaps for luggage lost.
  • Don’t forget to check with the airline website or the travel agency. You never know what kind of announcements may come up.

You are good to go! Bon voyage!