A Different Side to San Francisco [PHOTO-ESSAY]

written on September 5th, 2017 by

san francisco

When we visited California last year, one of our priorities was to stop by San Francisco. If you’ve been reading about travel for a while, it’s not difficult to imagine why we wanted to visit this amazing place. There’s so much to do and see! Many people don’t even know where to start. But with a baby in tow and only a few hours to spend in the city, we decided to spend it walking around. We may not have been able to cover a huge area, but walking gave us a different glimpse into the city. I felt the hills on my knees, especially when carrying a twenty pound baby. I saw all sorts of people, not just the tourists, but real people who live in SFO and the hipster dudes you see on the internet. They are real.

We didn’t visit the Golden Gate Bridge, but we did go to Pier 39 and took a stroll all the way down to the Ferry Building. While there, we took our first sip of Blue Bottle Coffee. Worth it! Of course, we have a photo of Alcatraz Island. We even took a stroll to Union Square. San Francisco is a beautiful city and we didn’t want to pass without taking a few photos.

Here are our photos from that brief visit:

san francisco san francisco seals area san francisco alcatraz boat san francisco graffiti san francisco blue bottle ferry building san fransico pier san francisco hills san francisco building san francisco lights san francisco pier san francisco pier san francisco restaurant